Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maundy Thursday...


just finished my thought for tomorrow for the tampa underground community...

and for YOU!!!

"His name was John…

He was dying…

He was old as dirt – about 90 or so…

But he was still charming…

Steely blue eyes that danced when he talked – and flirted – with the nurses…

And he was always flirting with the ladies…

He still had his sense of humor…

His full head of silky gray hair gave him a distinguished air…

He had been a politician in his earlier life up north – he was a gracious gentleman…

I think he used to sell ice to the Yankees in Maine during the wintertime [ha! ha!]…

He was a favorite of the hospice staff – especially the women…

John was my patient – then he became my friend – we developed a rapport…

One day as the journey was winding down – our chat turned more serious…

'John, what do you think happens after you die?'

'Well Guy, that’s pretty simple – I know just what happens… I die – they stick me in a box – then chunk me in the ground – then worms eat me – it’s all over at that point after I become worm food…'

I was shocked… Really shocked… He was so sure…

John was a reasonable, intelligent and reflective man – not an idiot or a moron…

I had never thought of him as worm food…

And yet his end-of-life 'hope' seemed so lame…

In fact, I was missing the hope altogether…

And John is not the only one…

So many people are anticipating a less-than-glorious future as worm food…

There must be hope… There has to be more… MUCH MORE!!!

I am not exactly sure what that MORE is [and I tend to be afraid of those who already know-it-all about the end times – I usually run the other way from these modern day Gnostics] – but I do want to suggest a couple of thoughts on this Maundy Thursday…

First, I believe there is something beyond this life – this life simply is NOT all there is…

I believe that 'something' is very personal – a welcoming home by a loving Father on the other side of the 'valley of the shadow of death'…

Maybe an image is even better than many words of explanation…

Henri Nouwen expresses the mystery beyond in this way: 'Dying is a gradual diminishing and final vanishing over the horizon of life. When we watch a sailboat leaving port and moving toward the horizon, it becomes smaller and smaller until we can no longer see it. But we must trust that someone is standing on a faraway shore seeing that same sailboat become larger and larger until it reaches its new harbor. Death is a painful loss. When we return to our homes after a burial, our hearts are in grief. But when we think about the One standing at the other shore eagerly waiting to welcome our beloved friend into a new home, a smile can break through our tears.'

Worm food? Not so much!

A personal welcome awaits the beloved children of the Father – God is the One standing on the other shore – we will finally be home in a way we have never been before…

It is at this point that real life – life the way God has always intended it – bursts forth for all eternity…

There is NOT nothingness…

There is something to look forward to – something to live for!

Secondly, I believe that what we are doing right now counts – really counts – not just for now, but for the future as well…

I love 1 Corinthians 15 – especially verses 50-57 – but until last year I never could figure out why Paul included verse 58. It did not seem to fit for me… I actually wondered if it might have gotten misplaced – maybe it belonged somewhere else…

'So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless [or in vain]…'

What does this have to do with all his talk of the resurrection???

Consider this…

It is a mystery, but the power of the resurrection is so awesome that it means our work for the Lord counts today – for sure – but is also futuristic…

It is paid forward in ways beyond our comprehension into the kingdom to come…

Our lives and missions really do matter!

Laying everything on the line is no waste – it is what we are created for!

YES, it really counts – in this world and in the coming kingdom!

That pumps up my enthusiasm – how about you???

So, let’s GO FOR IT – let’s make a difference now and forever!!!


By the way, I also shared with John a third thought as well – the hope of a brand new body – but that’s another story and is for tomorrow…"

more later...

my eyes are heavy [and Jeep is ready for bed]...

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