Friday, March 26, 2010

Lent day 38


i used to have so much energy on friday night...

party time...

fun time...

go out and about...

but that was then...

now is now...

i am so tired on friday night...

all i want to do is veg out...

and hit the sack...

i would not have even walked today when i finally got home...

but there was jeep [our boxer pup]...

standing at the door looking for me...

with that look in his eye...

his tail wagging...

his whole body was doing the doggie wave...

how could i say no to him...

i survived the walk -- barely...

now it's nap time...

for about 8-9 hours...


but, before i sign off...

listen to richard rohr...

"spiritual life is a matter of becoming who you truly are...

it's not becoming catherine of siena...

or some other saint...

but who YOU are...

it sounds easy enough...

but being who you truly are is work, courage and faith..."

in my early days...

i tried to "copy" my spiritual heroes...

be like billy graham...

be like wayne lee...

be like floyd mcclung...

be like bill hybels...

be life mark rutland...

just be like someone spiritual and successful...

but that armor never fits...

so glad i am free of that mindset...

free to be me...

to be the me HE wants me to be...

that is truly spiritual...

to be the real me...

there is only one of me...

there is only one of you...

god made us unique...

god made us special...

god made us to be fully ourselves...

the point is discovered in the becoming...

wanna join me on the becoming journey???

let's just do it!!!


nighty night...


remember that sunday is palm sunday...

the beginning of holy week...

let's prepare our hearts...

easter is on the horizon...

and that makes ALL the difference...


1 comment:

  1. I'm actually on that journey myself. So I will walk with you, my friend.
