Monday, March 22, 2010

Lent day 34


i just spent almost an hour updating my shelfari bookshelf...

two thoughts...

what an idiot i must be for it to take this long...

but, i got it done...

yea god!!!

maybe there is hope for the techie deprived after all...

what do you think of the new shelf???

today, i made my first hospice visit to an inmate in the falkenburg road jail...

pretty interesting...

our patient, who is supposed to have six months or less to live...

got five years in the state pen last week...

he was from NY...

in typical northern vibratto, he talked about how "backward" the south is...

"so backwoods, country and redneck down here..."

i bit my tongue [until i had very little left -- ha! ha!]...

if the north is so superior, wonder why he moved here???

i only thought it, never said it...

he was from the nation of islam...

a follower of farrakan...

i listened and learned...

it was an interesting visit...

not as much connection as i had hoped for...

but i tried...

sometimes it happens...

sometimes it does not...

but, we did end in prayer...

and then, in shocking fashion...

mr b.s.s. asked if i would continue to pray for him...

i agreed...

maybe more happened than i thought???

god is so good...

his grace should never surprise me...



off to bed -- i am still recovering from a weekend of birthday celebration...

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