Friday, March 5, 2010

Lent day 17

good friday evening...

every day is a learning experience...

we learn from people all around us...

some are so "sharp" that we expect to learn from them...

others are so "common" that we may wonder what "they" can possibly teach us...

mentorship is always mutual [i am so glad floyd mcclung taught me that early on]...

floyd always said that the unmistakable mark of an arrogant person is that they were no longer teachable -- they already think they know everything...

he encouraged me, as a young dude [still pretty full of myself and probably some other stuff as well -- ha! ha!] -- keep on learning...


in every way possible...

from everyone god brings into your life...

god teaches us through some unlikely vessels...

my best lesson today came out of nowhere...

i wasn't expecting it -- or prepared for it...

it was from mr williams...

he was struggling to breathe today...

"guy, i can't get a deep breath right now..."

only one week into his 69th year...

after some small talk, i asked him about his spirit...

how are you doing in your spirit today mr williams?

i am doing great...

then he said it...

"i started today like i do EVERY DAY of my life...

i asked jesus to guide my way...

i want him to direct my steps...

i want to walk in his ways...

i want to please him...

no side-stepping...

no getting out of line...


guess mr williams is much more spiritual than me...

he is and was a fitting teacher...

i stopped and wrote down his maxim...

what wisdom...

this sounds a lot like "conversion" to me...

what do you think???



who did you learn from today???

let's be ready tomorrow and stay open for the wise gems that may be coming from god through some unexpected source[s]...

1 comment:

  1. i've been pondering conversion for years. Is it a one time decision? or a process of faith and trust? does one void out the other? I've made many one time decision, but it seems the process of growing in faith creates deeper roots. Just my personal opinion.
