Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lent day 26


back home in tampa...

wonderful weekend...

but i am dead tired...

it was great to see the fam...

james is home from lee u...

i am so proud of him [and his brothers and court as well]...

great to see nancy...

and jeep -- we wore ourselves out playing and walking...

he also went to home church tonight for a meet and greet...

a thought before i close out the night...

what is the greatest enemy of faith?

many would say doubt...

i used to think so...

not any more...

doubt is a problem for sure...

but it is too cerebral -- a mind thing...

we try and educate our way into greater faith...

it hasn't worked...

i am convinced the greatest enemy of faith is FEAR...

that is gutteral...

that is deep...

it is a faith destroyer...

but, perfect love is supposed to drive out all fear...


maybe the antidote for fear is the PRESENCE of God...

perfect love -- maturing love -- growing love...

is about realizing and celebrating the presence of the lord...

god never leaves...

god never forsakes...

god never abandons...

god knows us completely...

and still loves us totally...

awareness and internalization of that brings the experience of intimacy...

love of another kind...

god's faithful and forceful presence...

living in this secure reality...

we feel and experience our way out of fear through relationship...

a gut thing [not a mind thing]...

living in his presence...

brings courage...

and trust...

and faith...

have a blessed week...



  1. I agree with fear - it is the greatest motivator of all things good and bad. Maybe it's not something that ever goes away, but is meant to be tamed. If so, I've got a wild stallion on my hands!

  2. does love chase away fear??? or, does fear make us crave love??? the kind of love that tames the wild stallion...

  3. I think it's a catch 22. fear makes me crave love but yet keeps it at bay. maybe if i can find a way to reign it in, i can experience the love that i long for.
