Thursday, March 5, 2009

day 9. lenten 2009


wanted to get this to you before our simple church meets at Roma's in Ybor [7 pm] for our weekly TH night "family" gathering...

nouwen says: "everything we know about Jesus indicates that he was concerned with only one thing -- to do the will of his Father. Nothing in the gospels is as impressive as Jesus' single-minded obedience to his Father... Jesus is the obedient one. the center of his life is this obedient relationship with the Father."

obedience is a manifestation of love -- plain and simple...

john says that the one who really loves also obeys God's commandments!

i can say I LOVE YOU with great ease [and sometimes with questionable sincerety], BUT "the proof is in the pudding" when it comes to substance -- is there any fruit?

words are great, but i crave more...

i want to be one who loves in deed as well as in word...

one who loves with bold and sacrificial actions desiring to experience the coming of the kingdom...even so COME NOW!

during the lenten season, i will pray for a love for God so deep and intimate that i am transformed to the point where obedience is the only reasonable resulting lifestyle...



thank God it is almost friday...

1 comment:

  1. I have a tendency to want to share my feelings verbally to affirm what I hope others already see in my actions. In other words, actions first then the words have validity. When love is tangibly displayed and our actions play-out, the words can be left unsaid. The best feeling is when you know you're loved, accepted and honored; it's then that words provide confirmation of the felt love and seep into your heart like nectar to the soul.
