Monday, March 9, 2009

day 13, lent 2009


no doubt this was a monday [and a very long one at that]...

it is late, so i will be brief...

nouwen in SHOW ME THE WAY: "compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human. it is not surprising that compassion, understood as suffering with, often evokes in us a deep resistance and even is important for us to acknowledge this resistance and to recognize that suffering is not something we desire or to which we are attracted. on the contrary, it is something we want to avoid at all costs. therefore, compassion is not among our most natural responses. we are pain-avoiders and we consider anyone who feels attracted to suffering abnormal, or at least very unusual."

two thoughts...

the first was spoken so powerfully by pastor brian at the tampa underground on sunday morning when he made the point that sometimes God blesses us with suffering. suffering can be God's way of growing us, deepening us and shaping us for his kingdom purposes. we can suffer while we are in the center of his will...

so, while i am often praying passionately for DELIVERANCE from suffering [as a curse from the evil one], maybe i should stop running and EMBRACE the momentary pain [as a blessed tool from a wise and loving Father]! the embrace insures that God's purposes will be maximized -- my trust in the Father welcomes his plan regardless!

maybe, just maybe, it is for my blessing -- a gift from the powerful and personal God who is always working everything together for our highest good...


in closing, i think we are in for economic hard times like NOTHING we have ever seen or experienced -- i do not believe our nation will continue to be blessed as we make major financial decisions which are directly contrary to biblical truth -- many people will soon taste the bitter fruit of poverty, need and desperation...

maybe it will even be some of US...

my opinion only...

this will be very bad at one level, but...

what a blessing this season of suffering can be for our opportunity to share the good news through living out the compassion of Jesus to those whose hearts are shriveling up due to fear and hopelessness!

are we ready for a time of kingdom growth?

are we ready to share our food?

are we ready to share our money?

are we ready to share our clothes?

are we ready to share our hearts?

are we ready to love with God's love of another kind [in both action and word]?

the bottom line -- will we welcome suffering, even if it touches us, if this is God's way of bringing many prodigals home to himself???

i say YES LORD!



more tomorrow...

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