Friday, March 6, 2009

day 10, lenten 2009


nouwen states: "this morning, i meditated on God's eagerness to forgive the midst of all my distractions, i was touched by God's desire to forgive me again and again. if i return to God with a repentant heart after i have sinned, God is always there to embrace me and let me start afresh..."

he continues later: "it is hard for me to forgive someone who has really offended me, especially when it happens more than once. i begin to doubt the sincerity of the one who asks forgiveness for a second, third, or fourth time. but God does not keep count. God just waits for our return, without resentment or desire for revenge. God wants us home..."

sometimes i wonder if God will run out of grace for me -- especially in some areas where the same sin brutalizes me over and over again...

sometimes i wonder if i should just stop asking for forgiveness -- surely he must be sick of me coming back again and again...

sometimes i wonder if God will just give up on me -- abandon me to my own fallenness...

do you ever have thoughts like these???

bad news...these haunting thoughts...

but, there is good news...

nouwen proclaims it clearly above -- God welcomes all of us prodigals back to himself -- he just wants us home!

so does scripture...

"as the distance of east from west, so far from us does he put our sin..."

"the Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy..."

"the love of the Lord is everlasting..."

how great is God's love for me -- for us!!!

praise the Lord!



have a great weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Right there with you. Forgivness without I am lost and spinning. It is amazing He is a God that never runs out or gives up. He seems to understand us. Forgiving myself is a big part, also. I have to aloud myself to move closer even if I feel shame and guilt to say away from Him. I am learning in His grace the guilt and shame can be removed. That is the real cool with God. More than enough.
