Monday, March 16, 2009

day 20, lent 2009

we are halfway home on the lenten journey...

we are 20 days in from ash wednesday...

only 20 days until palm sunday...

then easter...

a thought for tonight...

i struggle with wanting notoriety -- wanting to be seen and given attention...

wanting to be important and significant -- craving recognition...

what about you?

i don't like the ancient spiritual discipline of secrecy -- it is, well, too hidden!

when i do something really spiritual, i want to be celebrated [in all humility of course -- ha! ha!]...

i don't like the fact that Jesus says secrecy and hiddenness are the keys to future reward -- i want my blessings BOTH now and later...

nouwen's thought today deals with this issue in Jesus' life -- his conscious and consistent decision to be low key -- refusing to grab the spotlight -- not always seeking to GO PUBLIC...

"people often talk as though God has as great a need for recognition as we look at Jesus, who came to reveal God to us, and you see that popularity in any form is the very thing he avoids. he is constantly pointing out that God reveals himself in secrecy. it sounds very paradoxical, but accepting and, i would venture to say, entering into that paradox sets you on the road of the spiritual life..."

one closing thought...

i had breakfast today with a friend who is a jewish rabbi...

he is always saying brilliant stuff [because gabriel is brilliant], but today he spoke words of insight that enlightened me further on my desire to be a prophet [as expressed in yesterday's blog]...

gabriel shared the two roles of the prophet in the hebrew scriptures: "the prophet is called to trouble those who have become too comfortable -- then to encourage those who have been crushed."

sometimes my complacency screams out for a prophet [maybe like jeremiah] to come and bluntly trouble me...

other times i need the comfort of God's lap [as shared by isaiah] to encourage me and bring healing when i have been crushed by life...

shalom [as gabriel always writes when he signs off]...


THANKS to everyone who is leaving your comments -- it is so encouraging...


  1. Your comments about the spiritual discipline of secrecy made me think about the contrast with some church ministries today, such as having the biggest Easter egg hunt in the community. I assume there is a place for large productions. A pastor told me last week that he raised $33,000.00 for his church’s Easter egg hunt this year. The celebration will probably bless a lot of children, maybe including those who are less fortunate in life, and we can applaud such effort to make Easter meaningful for children. On the other hand, I wonder what would happen if the church also invested these kinds of resources and energies in secret ministry. Maybe I need to think more about myself—what have I done in secret ministry lately. Thanks for reminding me, Guy. I will try to practice the discipline in the near future.

  2. i think the best example i have seen lately of practical secrecy] is bill hobbs at urban youth impact down in west palm beach [by the way i am getting you a copy of his new book] --for their ministry's christmas giveaway to the kids in the 'hood, they have parents come in to their ministry center to "shop" and pick up the thousands of gifts so the presents come from the parents [not from UYI who remains the secret partner] -- WOW!
