Wednesday, March 11, 2009

day 15, lent 2009


i did get called out early this morning -- then went straight to work -- have been working all day -- just got through at 10 p.m.

get the fork -- i am about done!

but, here goes...

nouwen: "in his servanthood God does not disfigure himself, he does not take on something alien to himself, he does not act against or in spite of his divine self. on the contrary, it is in his servanthood that God chooses to reveal himself as God to us. therefore, we can say that the downward pull as we see this in Jesus Christ is not a movement away from God, but a movement toward him as he really is. a God for us who came not to rule but to serve. this implies very specifically that God does not want to be known except through servanthood and that, servanthood is God's self-revelation."

is servanthood my "self-revelation"???

how do people see me???

what is my claim to fame???

during lent, i will submit my heart to the blessing of servanthood afresh...

let's serve together...



have a great TH tomorrow...

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