Wednesday, March 4, 2009

day 8, lenten 2009

good evening...

nouwen, in SHOW ME THE WAY, says: "as soon as i say , 'God exists,' my existence no longer can remain in the center, because the essence of the knowledge of God reveals my own existence as deriving its total being from him. That is the true conversion experience. i no longer let the knowledge of my existence be the center... the converted person sees, hears, and understands with a divine eye, a divine ear, a divine heart. the converted person knows himself or herself and all the world in God. the converted person is where God is, and from that place everything matters: giving water, clothing the naked, working for a new world order, saying a prayer, smiling at a child, reading a book, and sleeping in peace. all has become different while all remains the same..."

just how "converted" am i?

too often i am still at the center of my life [not God]...

too often really important things don't matter much to me [even though God fills this entire world and so everything matters]...

too often my conversion is more of religion [than of the spiritual]...

maybe i need to be delivered from religion so i can experience spiritual conversion!

may this lenten season firmly establish Jesus at my center -- in my core...

i want to be thoroughly converted so the life of Jesus is unmistakably manifest -- i want to see the fruit and i want to share the fruit...

how about you???



have a great TH...

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