Tuesday, March 17, 2009

day 21, lent 2009

oops, it is 11 p.m.

better write something and get to bed...

today was a great day with hospice -- i connected deeply with five of my six patients -- we were able to get honest about the FEAR of dying...

deep conversations...

we shared some tears as we embraced our fears...

there were moments i could feel Jesus in the room with us -- what peace in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death...

i am going to write something soon on the great difference between DYING and BEING DEAD -- i am NOT afraid of being dead, but i am still very afraid of the process of dying [i think it's called being human]...

anyhow, very emotionally and spiritually draining day -- i felt like i "emptied" myself to the max...

so, let's fill up with some nouwen [while jimmy buffet sings and the red wine flows]...

henri shares: "God's compassion is not something abstract or indefinite, but a concrete, specific gesture in which God reaches out to us. in Jesus Christ we see the fullness of God's compassion. to us, who cry out from the depth of our brokenness for a hand that will touch us, an arm that can embrace us, lips that will kiss us, a word that speaks to us here and now, and a heart that is not afraid of our fears and tremblings; to us, who feel our own pain as no other human being feels it, has felt it, or ever will feel it and who are always waiting for someone who dares to come close -- to us a man has come who could truly say, "i am with you!" Jesus Christ, who is God-with-us, has come to us in the freedom of love, not needing to experience our human condition...in Jesus Christ the obedient servant, who did not cling his divinity but emptied himself and became as we are, God has revealed the fullness of his compassion. he is Immanuel, God-with-us. the great call we have heard is to live a compassionate life..."

the living out of the compassionate life of Jesus is to be found in incarnational ministry -- being present with people right where they are and letting Jesus love them through our presence [and our tangible body]...

think about it...

we are surrounded by real people who are...

craving a hand to touch them with gentleness and care...

craving an arm of encouragement to offer a warm embrace...

craving lips that will offer a tender and respectful kiss of affirmation...

craving a timely word of uplift...

craving a brave soul willing to join them in embracing their haunting and dark fears...

craving someone committed to spiritual intimacy -- one who draws close and stays put -- no matter what...

craving someone who is willing to be emptied out in compassion -- a spiritual friend who is faithful even in the valley of the shadow...

can you hear the call of Jesus echoing through the ages during this lenten season: "just as the Father sent me, now i am sending you!"

incarnational ministry...

"being Jesus" to our neighbors...

living the life of compassion...

tomorrow is a fresh oportunity to give our one and only life for something bigger than ourselves...




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