Thursday, March 26, 2009

day 30, lent 2009


nouwen was so RIGHT ON today in SHOW ME THE WAY -- there are several thoughts i could share...

but, my favorite -- the one that resonated with me -- was in his prayer for the day...

"how can i rejoice fully in your resurrection
when i have avoided participating in your death?

yes, Lord, i have to die --
with you, through you, and in you --
and thus become ready to recognize you
when you appear to me in your resurrection.
there is so much in me that needs to die:
false attachments, greed and anger,
impatience and stinginess.
o Lord, i am self-centered,
concerned about myself, my career, my future,
my name and future, my name and fame...

i see clearly now how little i have died with you,
really gone your way and been faithful to it.
o Lord, make this lenten season
different from the other ones.
let me find you again."




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