Saturday, March 14, 2009

day 18, lent 2009



10.45 p.m.

before reading further, please read the parable of the loving Father [or the two sons or the prodigal son] in luke 15.11-32...

in my mind, this story from Jesus is the essence of the good news...

i think it says it all...

i desperately need this good news, because i often identify with henri...

nouwen in SHOW ME THE WAY: "this is a story about returning. i reallize the importance of returning over and over again. my life drifts away from God. I have to return. Returning is a lifelong struggle...the voice of despair says, 'i sin over and over again. after endless promises to myself and others to do better next time, i find myself back again in the old dark places. forget about trying to change. i have tried for years. it didn't work and it will never work. it is better that i get out of people's way, be forgotten, no longer around, dead.' this strangely attractive voice takes all uncertainties away and puts an end to the struggle. it speaks unambiguously for the darkness and offers a clear-cut negative identity..."

not the voice to listen to...

the voice of darkness...

the condemning curse from the shadows...

the voice of mistaken identity -- claiming a negative personna...

lying to me -- saying i am worthless when, in fact, i am of infinite worth...

and so are YOU!

we are children of God -- let's listen to a different voice -- march to a different drummer...

Jesus is the prophet who tells this alternative story -- let's listen to him...

three reflections tonight on the Father's LOVE [to me this is the point of the parable]...

1. the Father's acceptance of the younger son [the prodigal who went away] is very remarkable because it is much more about the Father's welcome than the son's returning...

the son came home [and decided to repent] because he had exhausted all his other options...

he had tied a knot in the end of his rope and he was holding on for dear life!

daddy's estate is better than this pigpen -- time to head home...

pretty selfish stuff...

and yet the Father ran to him and restored him...

2. the Father's acceptance of the elder son [the prodigal who stayed home] is also very remarkable because he goes out to him...

he refuses to leave him battered by his own bitterness!

even when his son was disrespecting him greatly by refusing to come in -- the Father goes out to him...

even in the elder son's pettiness, the Father persisted...

wanting him to join the party...

THE KEY: salvation and rescue come from the FATHER -- neither of the prodigals had the capacity to get it done -- the key is the Father's lavish love of another kind...

3. when it is all said and done, the future kingdom is a party -- it will all be about joy, feasting and celebration...

the kingdom of God really is a PARTY [tony campolo was right]!

and it will commence when all of us lost prodigals are welcomed home by our Father who has rescued us by his love!




happy sunday...


  1. Guy, this was something I needed to hear on so many different levels. I find myself constantly contending with the loud, condemning voices inside. It's only the knowledge of the father's love toward me, that keeps me. Good reminder. thanks

  2. Guy, the three reflections have considerable substance and sustenance. They will be reflectd on for a good period of time because of the insight and encouragement they offer. Thank you.

  3. Thank you! I am always amazed at how Scripture keeps coming alive afresh -- this story of the loving Father just exploded with fresh meaning. As one email I received said: "the Father's love is so POTENT!"
