Friday, December 4, 2009

Advent day 6 - 4 December 2009

I hid with God today...

It was awesome...

It rained most of the day in Tampa -- and it got much cooler...

It actually feels like winter -- Florida style...

No Nouwen or Rohr tonight -- just one word...


I am 50 years old...

I have been a Christ-follower for over 45 years...

I have been a pastor for over 30 years...

But, I feel more FREEDOM now than I ever have in my life...

I think the key has been openness -- honesty with God [fewer facades than ever] and honesty with a spiritual friend I have come to trust...

James 5.16: "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" -- it is a liberating experience to be honest with God and with another human person...

I took the risk of "unloading" with my spiritual director this last year -- he did not reject or condemn me in the deep vulnerability of my hideous confession -- he loved me -- accepted me -- prayed with me -- partnered with God in healing me...

The healing brought a new freedom...

A new peace...

I am less afraid...

As Popeye would say: "I yam who I yam" -- the transparency and authenticity -- fewer facades and fronts -- have moved me toward greater freedom and peace...

Our freedom is so dependent on truth -- the truth of God's word -- i am so glad God encouraged me to put this verse to the test...

I hope it rains all night...

Sleep tight...


I may have found my dog today...

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to the fact that trusting someone you can share your heart (both the good, the bad and the ugly) with is one of the most liberating feelings. It is like a special gift when you find someone like that. When you can share those deep feelings that have been holding you in bondage, it is like a prisoner has been freed. All of a sudden, that which has been hidden doesn't seem quite so big anymore. It becomes more manageable when you don't have to bear it alone. Maybe that's why God thought it was important to tell us to "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galations 6:2
