Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advent day 21 -- 19 December 2009


two thoughts today...

first, we have a dog...

a beautiful white boxer little boy -- three months old today...

the gracious breeder gave us a "meet and greet" for the day -- he came home with us and it has proved to be a great fit -- we have found our family companion...

josh and i are thrilled...

james was happy too...

and, nancy voted yes and has been playing with him...

he will go home in the morning and spend the next two weeks at his old home while we are in PA for the holy season...

he is so loving...

he is so laid back...

we are already in love...

now, we are actually not dreading the trip home after vacation -- we are looking forward to picking up our little man...

by the way, josh [and all of us together] named him JEEP...

secondly, i spent some more time today reflecting on the death i attended yesterday...

i noticed something about last night's blog -- my first attempt to process a difficult situation for me -- it was heavily characterized by "description" but not so much about feeling and emotion...

i want to work on processing this some more in the next few days...

i want to be true to my heart [my feelings and emotions] and not stay in the cerebral [my mind and rationale]...

always opportunity for growth and improvement...

well, tomorrow morning we leave for PA -- we are looking forward to a two week trip home to be with nancy's folks...

we will stay in TN Sunday night...

finish the drive on Monday...

i hope to have access to internet -- my hope is that we can continue our advent journey together...

well, jeep is awake -- i need to play with him awhile before i hit the sack...

have a blessed advent...


merry christmas!

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