Thursday, December 3, 2009

Advent day 5 -- 3 December 2009


I decided to take a day off from work tomorrow -- I need a day to "hide out" with God -- I can hardly wait...

I want more "space" than I got today -- it was just too busy...

I want to get my heart focused before THE JESUS ENCOUNTER weekend kicks off tomorrow night at the tampa underground -- it will be a great experience for the 75 participants -- I am so excited about serving...

It is late and I am beat -- tonight will be short...

Henri Nouwen speaking about "Jesus' Weakness Invites Us Into God's Intimacy": "People with power do not invite intimacy. We fear, we look up to, we envy people with power. God's power is something entirely different. God does not want us to be afraid, distant, or envious. God wants to come close, very close, so close that we can rest in the intimacy of God as children in their mother's arms."

It's time to go to sleep in God's arms tonight...

Sweet dreams...


Wish my new dog was jumping in the bed with me tonight...


  1. Henri spot on once again. Intimacy, interesting this came up in my inner healing group on Tuesday. It is a scaring word at times for me. In the past intimacy would mean to be or take advantage of. That is the lie. I am learning real intimacy doesn't have a hook. The truth is, It happens with Jesus uncondition love speaks to my heart. An I here the Father say to me I love you. Which I have heard over an over again. Today intimacy means to me to be vulnerable. An that reveals how powerless I real am. Then my true self can be reveal to others through God revealing himself to me. Closer an closer, step by step, inch by inch I turning to Him. So I may know Him more. Have a great weekend at the Jesus Encounter.

  2. Glenn... This was awesome -- I am so proud of your walk -- your journey is an inspiration to me!!! Guy
