Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advent day 23 -- 21 December 2009


i am camped at panera still -- on the border of civilization...

my goal is to "catch up" on days 22-24 which i "lost" due to travel...

and to work ahead for days 25 through Christmas day [#27] which i plan to "lose" with family...

and one bonus entry for day 28...

IF, my battery is up to it...

henri nouwen again on WAITING [does he know how much i hate to WAIT???]: "A waiting person is someone who is present to the moment, believing that THIS moment is THE moment..."

one of my patients has died while i have been away...

i mentioned him earlier in our Advent journey -- the young man with parkinson's that i was blessed to serve communion to on our last visit -- it was such a struggle to make it happen physically...

guess it really was a "last" visit on this side...

guess that is another reason we need to make every moment THE moment -- to squeeze every bit of life we possibly can out of each encounter...

really living is about seizing our moments -- making the most out of life...

when i checked my email and read father vern's note that bill had died -- i was hit with a wave of sadness...

i want to be with his mom and dad and family...

i want to do his service...

but, it is today -- in FL...

i can't be here and there -- but, i can pray and send my blessing...

and, i am so glad vern is there -- he is such a blessing -- the family is in good hands...

but, i still wish they were in MY hands...

i will pray for them -- and for vern...

PLEASE -- make the most out of every moment -- THE moments of our lives -- during this holy season...

wish we were all together here in the snow...

and bill, i will eat and drink with you again one day in the kingdom where we will never have to say goodbye...



have a merry christmas!!!

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