Friday, December 11, 2009

Advent day 13 - 11 December 2009


I usually always have an opportunity to read a short passage of scripture to each of my patients when I visit...

Today, I read the same passage all day long -- Luke 2.25-35 -- the same passage I am preaching on this Sunday in Ft Pierce...

One phrase really stood out from the prophecy of Simeon: "I have seen the Savior you have given to all people..."

Another translation says: "Now I have seen your salvation..."

The advent of Jesus brought salvation -- the ongoing advents of Jesus continue to bring salvation...

When our eyes are anointed by the Holy Spirit, revelation is an ongoing reality -- we SEE Jesus and we SEE salvation -- over and over and over again...

My last visit today was with Mr Williams -- he is always my last visit on Friday -- I have the opportunity to serve him by dropping off his weekend food...

I think he "sees" Jesus every week when his food shows up...

Today, he got visibly excited when we read this scripture -- he said to me: "I know dat's right -- I sees Jesus all da time -- ya jus gotta be lookin for 'im..."

Mr Williams is right on...

During Advent -- and far beyond -- let's just keep "looking for him..."



A favor -- please pray for me on Sunday at 10.30 -- I will be preaching at Trinity EPC in Ft Pierce...


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