Monday, November 29, 2010

Advent day 2

good evening...

just finished 3 miles walking with Jeep...

a lap before work [in the dark]...

and two laps after work [in the dark]...

Jeep is such a blessing -- he will NOT take NO for an answer when it comes to walking!

i can be so lazy -- he is really helping me...

i am so thrilled to have lost 45 pounds...

but it frightens me to think of 70 more to go...

guess i must just take it one day at a time...

maybe all of life works better that way...

let's take each day one day at a time...


why is this so hard to do???

maybe it is because we want to "hold on" to control...

surrender is so hard, BUT it is the key...

let's live with an OPEN HAND...

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