Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advent day 1...

I am so thankful for this past week...

For Nancy...

All three boys [and Courtney] were home for the week...

What a blessing...

We had such a great time together...

Thanksgiving dinner including my parents...

A morning fishing trip with my dad [and Matt and Josh] -- we caught 30 speckled perch...

Enjoying Jeep [and his two cousins Mac and Ty from Miami] -- three Boxers are a handful...

Eating well throughout the whole week...

Exercising every day...

Yes, I maintained my new vegetarian lifestyle [except for a trace of oysters Courtney used in making the awesome stuffing]...

No meat since September...

As of today -- 45 pounds lost [hopefully never to be found again]...

One of my foci for Advent will be pursuing more weight loss -- I still have 70 pounds to go...

PLEASE pray for me...

More later...

Welcome to Advent 2010...

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