Saturday, April 11, 2009

holy saturday 2009


it is almost sunrise on easter sunday...

i loved nouwen's reflection for today...

"if the God who revealed life to us, and whose only desire is to bring us to life, loved us so much that he wanted to experience with us the total absurdity of death, then -- yes, then there must be hope; then there must be something more than death; then there must be a promise that is not fulfilled in our short existence in this world; then leaving behind the ones you love, the flowers and the trees, the mountains and the oceans, the beauty of art and music, and all the exuberant gifts of life cannot be just the destruction and cruel end of all things; then indeed we have to wait for the third day..."

tonight, i experienced the grace of God in ybor at the colombia restaurant...

at this stage in my life, there are few things better than good food and a great time with a soul friend...

donald and i shared a meal together and more importantly -- the grace of God...

as we talked, i felt life in my spirit -- the stirrings of easter sunday...

when we touch a deep and resonant chord within each other, the result is always LIFE!

i did not wear a watch to supper this evening because i was in no hurry -- what a blessing...

an entire evening -- devoted to a friend and the sharing of the grace of God...

what peace...

what serenity...

a taste of heaven on earth...

[except i ate too much...]

thank God for soul friends and the sacrament of table fellowship...

[and a friend who will let me blast lynyrd skynyrd on the stereo]...

easter is coming -- it is almost here...

happy easter!

i will be thinking of you on my way to ft pierce in the morning...

please pray for me...



what a blessing it was to drop some food by to mr williams -- he was so happy -- it is a great feeling to be remembered...

1 comment:

  1. Guy, I can't tell what a blessing your Lenten Journey has been to me. Thanks so much for sharing and giving of yourself.
