Wednesday, April 1, 2009

day 36, lent 2009


i had a small, but very meaningful, epiphany tonight...

one that will keep me busy reflecting for quite awhile...

one that might even transform my personal view of mission...

it all happened so innocently -- such a surprise...

i was reading nouwen's SHOW ME THE WAY for the wednesday of passion week -- so much good stuff from henri -- i was having a hard time choosing the "nugget" i was going to share with you tonight...

but then, this paragraph JUMPED OUT at me: "life in the Spirit of Jesus is therefore a life in which Jesus' coming into the world -- his incarnation, his death, and resurrection -- is lived out by those who have entered into the same obedient relationship to the Father which marked Jesus' own life. having become sons and daughters as Jesus was Son, our lives become a continuation of Jesus' mission..."

for years, i have been asking the question: "what is my personal model for mission -- my personal understanding of pastoral care???"

my answer, of late, has centered around the INCARNATION...

i have been meditating deeply on the significance of the incarnation for missional ministry -- good stuff!


a very good answer -- my reflections have been deeply enriching -- BUT it has seemed incomplete -- almost like "something" was incomplete...

so, maybe i should extend my personal thoughts to include Jesus' DEATH and RESURRECTION...

i have some thoughts on the meaning of the INCARNATION...

but, what does it mean for me to live and minister in the power of Jesus' DEATH?

and, what does it mean for me to live and minister in the power of Jesus' RESURRECTION?

maybe a more complete theology of mission demands grappling with all three...


better yet, THANKS HOLY SPIRIT...

more reflections on this to follow...



sweet dreams...


  1. I look forward to your development of the two themes--death and resurrection--and how they can be implemented in our lives.


    In working on this CPE paper ["My Theory of Pastoral Care"], I kept feeling like I was missing something...

    I think I was focusing so much on the Incarnation that I was overlooking Jesus' death and resurrection...


