Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010...

hope you have enjoyed the advent blog as much as me...


nancy is riding with me to ft pierce in the a.m.

i am preaching a new year's message entitled LETTING GO...

then, off to PA...up I-95 [hopefully NO blizzard]...

we are looking forward to seeing our northern family...

HAPPY 2011...



Advent day 27...making promises...

christmas eve...

i was to be off from work...

running some errands...

buying some gifts...


but, a request from a patient...

"is there any was we could renew our wedding vows on friday???"

"could you please do it???"

i called and asked nancy's permission for a couple of hours to "work" [yes, i am getting smarter as i age!!!]...

we met at 3 pm at the chapel at the melech hospice house...

everything went beautifully...

we ended with a sweet time of communion...

sealing the deal -- once again..."

the primary caregiver [the patient's wife] was thrilled...

"this was the most beautiful thing touched me so deeply...i don't know how much longer we have, but this will make the end of our journey even more special..."

it was worth it...

another KAIROS moment...

have a blessed christmas eve...


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Advent day 26...

from Fr Richard Rohr...

"When the Scriptures are used maturely, and they become a precursor to meeting the Christ, they proceed in this order:

They CONFRONT us with a bigger picture than we are used to, 'God’s kingdom' that has the potential to 'deconstruct' our false worldviews.

They then have the power to CONVERT us to an alternative worldview by proclamation, grace and the sheer attraction of the good, the true and the beautiful [not by shame, guilt or fear which are low-level motivations].

They then CONSOLE us and bring deep healing as they 'reconstruct' us in a new place with a new mind and heart."

[adapted from Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr...]

Christmas Eve is almost upon us...



We are going to the contemporary Christmas Eve Service [CONNECTION] at Palm Ceia Presbyterian Church...can't wait!!!

Advent day 25


check out this short message from Henri Nouwen as he reminds us about the importance of "Active Waiting" especially during Advent...

"Waiting is essential to the spiritual life.

But waiting as a disciple of Jesus is not an empty waiting.

It is a waiting with a promise in our hearts that makes already present what we are waiting for.

We wait during Advent for the birth of Jesus.

We wait after Easter for the coming of the Spirit, and after the ascension of Jesus we wait for his coming again in glory.

We are always waiting, but it is a waiting in the conviction that we have already seen God's footsteps.

Waiting for God is an active, alert - yes, joyful - waiting.

As we wait we remember him for whom we are waiting, and as we remember him we create a community ready to welcome him when he comes."

from Bread for the Journey...



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Advent day 24...


jeep and i only did 4 miles today...

the good news -- i hit 260 this a.m.

down 55 pounds...

60 more to lose...


some have asked me what i have been doing...

i began by reading three books by Dr Dean Ornish the renowned cardiologist who specializes in reversing heart disease through lifestyle [and the Rice Diet and the Duke Diet]...

from these resources, i established the following...

1. reduce my fat intake to less than 10-20 grams per day [this means no meat, no fried foods, no grease, etc]

2. reduce my salt intake to 500-1000 mgs per day...

3. reduce my sugar intake severely [drink water]...

4. exercise at least 1 hour per day [walking]...

5. the last component which i will add in january is basic strength training with a bowflex to build / tone muscle...

6. pray for God's strength when I crave BBQ and want to binge...

7. be very intentional and journal EVERYTHING i eat...

i have been FAITHFUL not to cheat and it has worked...



i pray for your success as well...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Advent day 23...the gift of release...

ms sadie lives in the 'hood...

deep in the hood...

the kind of place that looks better in the dark but you can only go there in the broad daylight [safely]...

her family is poor...really generationally impoverished...

their living quarters double as a family-run childcare center...

most of the time little kids are running all around...with energy...with joy...

ms sadie is old...really old...and her room is right there in the action of it all...

her ebony skin is weathered...stretched tight...

she only has a couple of teeth left...way in the back...

she is mostly skin and bones...emaciated...

she had a stroke a few years ago and has been declining ever since...

she babbles...but, it is nonsensical...

she is beautiful, but mostly vacant...

she is bed-bound...she is at home but nobody is really "home"...

as of late, her slow decline has turned into a plunge...

she is speeding downward fast...

she is "actively dying" in hospice-speech...

the water is swirling in the drain...just about to disappear...

sadie's daughter is one of life's real angels...she is so faithful...

her care for her mom is impeccable...

"i wish i could do more for mama..."

"it ain't hard to care for her...what will i ever do without her???"

she is holding on...tightly...with a death grip...

but, ms sadie is struggling to die...

the end is near...

better call the hospice chaplain...

so, last week the daughter shows me in...takes me through the kids to sadie's room...

i just sat there...

read scripture...


sang hymns [very quietly -- ha! ha!]...

i hurry...


i heard God speak as clearly as i ever had...

"it is her time..."

"i am about to take her home..."

"my arms are open..."

"it is time to let her go..."

"i think you should talk to her daughter..."

really God???

why me???

"just do it guy..."

so. i did it...

a long heart to heart with a clinging daughter...

i waxed eloquent...

quoted henri: "the greatest gift a family can give their loved one at the end is to release them...let them go...bless them to go home to God..."

i wasn't sure i got through...

i gave it my best shot...

we prayed...

i left...

then, the daughter left and went to the florist...

she bought a bouquet of live flowers...

spring-time looking flowers...

living, colorful flowers...

easter flowers maybe???

a veiled expression of her hope of the coming resurrection???

she brought the living bouquet home...laid it on her mama's chest...wrapped her limp hands around it...

and had a talk with mama...

"i love you, and i want you here with me...forever..."

"but, the preacher says God is ready for you..."

"i thinks so too..."

"so, i bless you...go on home...i release you to Jesus..."


she walked out of the room...

within moments, i get a call...

"sadie is dead...the family is asking for you..."

the power of release...

the power of letting go...

the beauty of loving God with an open hand...NOT a clenched fist...

what do we need to let go???

have a good evening...


isn't it amazing that God shares his sovereign decisions with us???

it is his call...he makes the final decision...he is in control...

but he gave sadie's daughter a chance to work through it...surrender...

she opened her hand...God welcomed sadie into his open arms...

what an awesome God!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Advent day 22...


A great Advent Sunday...

Spent some time in Plant City on the farm [along with Jeep]...

We cut some firewood in the cold drizzle...

So glad now...we have an awesome fire in the fireplace...


Check this out...

From SABBATICAL JOURNEY by Henri Nouwen...

"I think that we have hardly thought through the immense implications of the mystery of the incarnation. Where is God? God is where we are weak, vulnerable, small and dependent. God is where the poor are, the hungry, the handicapped, the mentally ill, the elderly, the powerless. How can we come to know God when our focus is elsewhere, on success, influence, and power? I increasingly believe that our faithfulness will depend on our willingness to go where there is brokenness, loneliness, and human need.

If the church has a future it is a future with the poor in whatever form. Each one of us is seriously searching to live and grow in this belief, and by friendship we can support each other. I realize that the only way for us to stay well in the midst of the many 'worlds' is to stay close to the small, vulnerable child that lives in our hearts and in every other human being. Often we do not know that the Christ child is within us. When we discover him we can truly rejoice."



Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent day 21...blink...

check out this new song...

i heard it last week when i was down south on way FM...

"Blink" by REVIVE...

"Teach me to number my days

And count every moment

Before it slips away

Take in all the colors

Before they fade to grey

I don't want to miss

Even just a second

More of this

It happens in a blink it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time

What is it i've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

When it's all said and done

No one remembers

How far we have run

The only thing that matters

Is how we have loved

I don't want to miss

Even just a second

More of this

It happens in a blink it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time

What is it i've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

Slow down

Slow down

Before today becomes

Our yesterday

Slow down

Slow down

Before today becomes

Our yesterday

It happens in a blink it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time

What is it i've done with my life?

It happens in a blink it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time

What is it i've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink"


merry Christmas...


still on call tonight until 8 am...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Advent day 20...letting go...

jeep and i just finished 5 miles...

a very long friday...

and, i am on 24 hour on call tomorrow...


but, the good news...

weighed 262 this morning...

down 53 pounds...


only 62 more to go...

i have a story i want to tell about death and "letting go"...

the spiritual and inspiring story of ms margaret from this past week...

maybe tomorrow...

i am "done" tonight...



Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent day 19


Hope to be back on track tomorrow...

Life has been too busy -- I am too tired...

I am calling Jeep and we are headed to bed...


Love ya all!!!


Advent day 18...

More thought-provoking words from Henri Nouwen...

"Is everybody finally going to be all right? Are all people ultimately going to be free from misery and all their needs fulfilled? Yes and no! Yes, because God wants to bring us home into God's Kingdom. No, because nothing happens without our choosing it. The realisation of the Kingdom of God is God's work, but for God to make God's love fully visible in us, we must respond to God's love with our love.

There are two kinds of death: a death leading us into God's Kingdom, and a death leading us into hell. John in his vision saw not only heaven, but also hell. He says: 'The legacy for cowards, for those who break their word, or worship obscenities, for murderers and the sexually immoral, and for sorcerers, worshippers of false gods or any other sort of liars, is the second death in the burning lake of sulphur' (Revelation 21:8). We must choose for God if we want to be with God."

I choose abba!!!


Advent day 17

Good News from Henri Nouwen...

"Often hell is portrayed as a place of punishment and heaven as a place of reward. But this concept easily leads us to think about God as either a policeman, who tries to catch us when we make a mistake and send us to prison when our mistakes become too big, or a Santa Claus, who counts up all our good deeds and puts a reward in our stocking at the end of the year.

God, however, is neither a policeman nor a Santa Claus. God does not send us to heaven or hell depending on how often we obey or disobey. God is love and only love. In God there is no hatred, desire for revenge, or pleasure in seeing us punished. God wants to forgive, heal, restore, show us endless mercy, and see us come home. But just as the father of the prodigal son let his son make his own decision God gives us the freedom to move away from God's love even at the risk of destroying ourselves. Hell is not God's choice. It is ours."



Monday, December 13, 2010

Advent day 16...what a life philosophy!!!

a BIG THANKS to glenn davis for this henri nouwen quote...

i believe the last sentence kinda summarizes my current life philosophy...

"more and more, the desire grows in me simply to walk around, greet people, enter their homes, sit on their doorsteps, play ball, throw water, and be known as someone who wants to live with them.

it is a privilege to have the time to practice this simple ministry of presence.

still, it is not as simple as it seems.

my own desire to be useful, to do something significant, or to be part of some impressive project is so strong that soon my time is taken up by meetings, conferences, study groups, and workshops that prevent me from walking the streets.

it is difficult not to have plans, not to organize people around an urgent cause, and not to feel that you are working directly for social progress.

but I wonder more and more if the first thing shouldn’t be to know people by name, to eat and drink with them, to listen to their stories and tell your own, and to let them know with words, handshakes, and hugs that you do not simply like them, but truly love them..."


let's live this one...



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Advent day 15...fruitfulness...


back home from ft pierce...

drove across the state and met the cold front...the winds were violent...

great to see jeep and the fam...

james is home from lee u for the holy days...

i had such a blast at trinity...i love those folks...

and, was privileged to have breakfast with mark and brian summerall...

even better, they hung around for church...

a closing thought from yesterday...on fruitfulness...

fruitfulness is at least two-fold...

it is about fruit in mission...

it is so critical to bear fruit that will last...

i want 2011 to be my most fruitful year yet relating to ministry...

but, it is also about character...

the fruit of the holy spirit being continually birthed in our lives...

so we become more and more like jesus...

this is top shelf for 2011 -- surrendering even more to the spirit so the life and character of christ become manifestly evident in my life...

i am so excited...

filled with anticipation...

and hope...

looking forward to fruitfulness in 2011!!!

have a great week!!!


tomorrow a.m. is weigh-in -- please pray i will hit my goal of 265 -- that would mean 50 pounds down -- only 65 to go...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advent day 14...anticipation...

good evening...

i am at the sleep inn, ft pierce...

great lunch with bill hobbs at waterway cafe...

great supper with glenn davis at pf chang's...

buddha's stir-fried vegetable feast with tofu was heavenly!!!

time for a blog and then finish a sermon [along with a trip to the hotel treadmill]...

blog thought first...

jeep can tell time...

he has an uncanny ability to KNOW when it is time for me to come home from work...

but, although he can tell time...

he cannot yet understand explanations as to why i sometimes run late...

so, at the right time [when i should be home]...

he stands at the door...

staring out...


and waiting...

and sometimes waiting longer...

but then comes that moment...

the one he has been waiting for...

i pull up, get out, activate my car alarm...

and it beeps...


his waiting has paid off...

what he has anticipated is almost reality...

his hope for my homecoming is fulfilled...almost...

as i climb up the front steps, i watch my buddy...

his whole body is doing the wave...

from nose to tail...

his little nub of a tail is moving at hundreds of miles per hour...

he is prancing around as if the floor is just too hot for him to stand on...

what a welcome...

eager anticipation...

unbridled excitement...

living hope...

advent is about this kind of moment!!!

anticipating the fresh coming again of the Christ child in our lives this Christmas...

excitement about Abba's greatest gift to humanity -- his unique son Jesus...

hope that the truth of Christmas makes ANYthing and EVERYthing else in this challenging [and sometimes crappy] world OK...

no, better than OK...

the hope of Jesus is MORE than enough for us to live, to die and then to live forever...

there is this same kairos moment latent within this parable...

as we look toward a new year...


there is the possibility that the soil of our heart will be healed...

hard hearts can be softened...

shallow hearts can be deepened...

crowded hearts can be focused...

when GOD performs this miracle...

when HE heals our heart...

the fertile soil cries out...

with anticipation...

with excitement...

with hope...


not just for addition...

but multiplication...

100 fold increase...

the release of the good news through our lives to the world is viral...

it spreads like an epidemic...

an epidemic of hope...

what about me...and you???

what fruit are we anticipating in our lives in 2011???

what fruitfulness are we excited about in 2011???

what hope sustains us as the new year soon dawns???




for fruitfulness...

sweet dreams...


i can't wait to see jeep tomorrow afternoon when i get home!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Advent day 13...anticipating fruitfulness...

good evening...

i am headed to south FL early in the a.m.

visiting close friends on sat...

preaching in ft pierce on sunday...

i promise to get back on track tomorrow...

love you all!!!


Advent day 12...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent day 11...three things...


number 1...i got a text from one of my most brilliant and creative friends today...

i love him...all of him, but especially his mind...

what a blessing he is...

i will quote his brilliance...

"i thought a lot about the hard heart and the ideas of watering the soil...

the image of a water balloon expanding as it fills up, from a hard raisin heart to a juicy grape heart...

i am praying for that kind of refreshing expansion to the hard areas of my heart..."

i join him in this prayer...

what an image!!!

wish my old brain worked like this!!!

i am so proud of you JS...

i am thankful god has allowed me to sow seed into your life...

so glad we are sharing the journey together...

number two...i have been thinking of valuing the simple...

over the complex...

over the crowded...

over the competitive...

soren kierkegaard once said that "purity of heart is to will one thing..."

ben haden said "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing..."

the main thing is jesus...

loving him...

receiving his love...

loving others who love him...

and loving those who are yet to love him...

the main thing is NOT...

religious skubala...

prominence, prestige and popularity...

gorging the false self...

glittering toys and stuff...

pleasure as our god...lust as our idol...

the weapon we need is simplicity...

not the easiest option in today's cultural press...

we will have to be a riptide...

going against the flow of our prevailing culture...

number three...i love my patient mr w...

i have been given the privilege to serve him in jesus name for over 2 years...

blessed to meet his most basic needs...






a couple of weeks ago, i saw his right foot for the first time in two years...

gross out...

his sock had not been off for well over two years...

we have no clue when he had his last bath...

not lately...for sure...

when i came by a couple of fridays back, he was pulling dead skin off his foot -- there was a whole big pile of yucky skin stacked on his floor...

i was worried...his foot looked hideous...

i contacted the nurse...

she went by, with a tech, to check out his right foot -- and maybe even his left one...

they had to cut the sock off his left foot...

a layer or two of skin came off with the socks as they peeled them off...

his feet were cracked and infected...

he needed antibiotics...

he needed care...TLC...he needed cleansing...

he needs ongoing soaks for a couple of weeks [which he will get]...

he needed new socks [which he already has]...

he needs LOVE...

i am so happy for the way my hospice team lavished love on mr w...

BUT, my hope is still very future-oriented...

mr w is a child of abba -- he is royalty...

he doesn't look it...

or smell it...

his hideous flat in the hood does not look it...

BUT, the kingdom will come for mr w...

he is one of the least of these that jesus will present with honor to abba...

one day, he will live like the royal heir that he truly is...

and, so will we...

i can't wait!!!

it really is pretty "simple", isn't it???



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent day 10...soil testing revisited...


back to our soil discussion...

maybe i have been hesitating on this one because it is MY challenge...

oh well, here goes...

"other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants..."

"the seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature..."

there are times the seed of intimacy with jesus takes deep root in my life...

intimacy is the focus of my existence...

it is THE thing...




MORE than enough...

BUT, there are other times when Jesus has to compete...

my heart is CROWDED...

the competition within is fierce...

worries, anxieties and panic...

riches, toys and materialism...

pleasures, whims and off-limit pursuits...

there is a price to pay for a crowded heart...

the cost is devastating...

we keep on living, but we do NOT fully grow up...

maturity eludes us...

little or no fruit...

certainly no fruit that lasts...

we are tired...

spiritually exhausted...

the battle within rages incessantly...

just going through the motions...

the competition for our passion and focus never quits...

fatigue crowds out fruitfulness...

the crowded heart...

is there hope for the confused and scattered soil???

how do we zero in on our first love once again...

a great question for tomorrow...



stay warm tonight!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Advent day 9

it is SO COLD...

it is SO COLD my fingers are not working...

it is SO COLD i just want to go hide under the covers til morning...

with jeep!!!

i am going to hide under the covers and celebrate advent by looking for jesus in my dreams...

NO -- i am not wimping out -- i am serious...

have a great night...


stay warm...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advent day 8...

good evening!

the THIRD DAY concert was awesome tonight...

to quote Mac Powell of third day: "this ain't a show, this is a church service..."

better than most any church service i have ever been in...

jeep and i are turning in...

good night...


Advent day 7 -- time on the farm...

i am so tired...

josh, jeep and i went to the farm in plant city today -- to visit my parents...

and to cut some firewood...

for us...

and for my parents...

i brought back a whole truck load...

jeep didn't work much BUT he did have a blast...

wish you could have seen him playing with the cows -- so funny!!!

now, a thought before snoozing...

for advent, in addition to reading the bible, i am also reading a new author -- howard thurman...

mr thurman was the spiritual mentor to dr martin luther king...

i am reading a collection of his devotional thoughts entitled "40-day journey"...

i love this pericope...

"god is here...god is in this place...and, we can find him in the simple experiences of daily living, in the normal ebb and flow of life as we live it..."

let's not miss him in the "simple" places of our existence...

have a great sunday tomorrow -- the second sunday of advent 2010...

i am looking forward to the tampa underground...


how is your reflection going on the soil types of our hearts???

this next one -- the CROWDED heart is really speaking to me...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Advent day 6...the SHALLOW soil...

thank god it is friday!!!

it is about 10 p.m. -- pretty cool, but not as cold as last night...

jeep and i just finished our daily 3 miles...

maybe we will celebrate the weekend by doing 4 or 5 miles on saturday and sunday...

i am at a BARRIER of 270 pounds [down from 315 since september] -- i must do something to break through -- my goal is 269 by monday a.m.

that will leave me ONLY 69 pounds to lose [to reach my goal of 200 by september 2011]...

oh well, one day at a time sweet jesus...

tonight, we consider the SHALLOW soil...

"other seed fell among rocks. it began to grow, but the plant soon wilted and died for lack of moisture..."

"the seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. but since they don't have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation..."

what leaves us with a SHALLOW heart???

depth of soil demands a faith of the head, the heart and the hands -- a life characterized by sharpness of intellect, the fire of spiritual experience and the commitment to serve others with god's love of another kind...

the head alone is inauthentic...and gets lost in theory and puffed up with arrogance...

the heart alone is inauthentic...and gets lost in bizarre behavior and can lose touch with [withdraw from] the very world the father so deeply loves...

the hands alone are inauthentic...and SHALLLOW...they can lose sight of salvation by grace alone and lose intimacy with jesus through compulsion to "fix" everything for god...

sometimes OUR works make it more about us than about god -- NOT!!!

in my opinion, much of our temptation in christianity is to be extreme -- to be out of balance in the areas we most gravitate towards -- we seldom commit fully to all 3 Hs...

our thing is usually seen as THE thing...

we are taught this [unfortunately] by our faith traditions from our very earliest ages because they often believe and teach that THEIR deal is really the ONLY deal...

maybe it would be better for all of us to love each other [and our heritages] and LEARN from each other...

we could learn so much from the catholics -- especially the franciscans -- about service...

we could learn so much from presbyterians and baptists about valuing theology and studying the word...

we could learn so much from pentecostals and charismatics about worship and hearts set aflame with intimate love for god...

maybe we should embrace the creative tension [i hate the word balance] between head, heart and hands -- pursuing each rather than just our "pet" that strokes our comfort zone...

the only thing we should be totally radical about is loving god [as father, jesus and spirit] with all our heads, hearts and hands... and loving those who already know jesus and loving those who are yet to love jesus...

we are recognized by our LOVE!!!

time to leave the SHALLOW behind -- the call is to depth...

soil [and hearts] that have the fullness to GO THE DISTANCE...

i am in -- fully in...

will you join me in this journey to wholeness, fullness and depth [substance]???

have a great weekend...


anyone else headed to the Third Day concert at the Sun Dome on sunday p.m.???

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent day 5...Rx for the HARD heart...

it is cold tonight...

jeep and i just finished 3 miles...i was shivering...he was full of spunk...

what did YOU come up with re: a fix for the HARD soil???

let me know -- OK???

i would love to hear from YOU!!!

i have three suggestions, but first, a reality check...

i cannot "fix" my hard heart -- that is a God thing...

a work of the Spirit...

i must cooperate, BUT i canNOT make it happen...

it is God who "fixes" my sin and brokenness...

first suggestion -- sometimes, with tough love, God must break up / crush / pulverize the hardened soil of our heart...

he uses a wide variety of plows -- each tailored to our personal need[s]...




the honest confrontation that comes through authentic friendship within biblical community -- we need a few people who really do love us enough to tell us the WHOLE truth [with committed love]...


our own personal "gethsemane" -- our "place of crushing"...

remember -- God always acts in LOVE, even when our searing pain seems overwhelming...

his work is always redemptive, never destructive!!!

my prayer is that at the end of our "gethsemane", we will join Jesus in his prayer, "not my will but yours be done..."

suggestion two -- sometimes it is "watering" that softens the HARD soil...

maybe through cleansing tears...

maybe through the river of the Spirit...

maybe through the refreshing waters from Jesus...

we must have the former and latter rains...

moisture works wonders in our dry and hardened heart...

finally, HARD soil needs enrichment -- fertilizer -- nutrients...

from worship music...

from the word...

from intimate talks with Jesus...

from meditation and reflection...

from deep sharing with godly friends...

spicing up our hardened heart...

a final word for the evening...


in the end, it all comes down to surrender...

opening our clenched fist and fully releasing our life to God...




relinquish control...


love ya!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent day 4...the HARD soil...


hope you were able to read -- and reflect on -- the parable of the soil...

remember our guiding question for the next few days: "what does the soil of our heart look like???"

how healthy is our internal being???

what soil type best characterizes our spirit as we begin the advent journey???

"some seed fell on a foodpath, where it was stepped on, and the birds ate it..."

jesus explained: "the seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the evil one come and steal it from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved..."

what makes hard soil???

what makes a hard heart???

maybe one reason is that the footpath has so much traffic -- all the activity packs the ground tight...

maybe our heart gets hard because we have "heard it all before" -- we have become so overexposed that the seed seems to have little power -- we are hardened and looking for something new, novel and different...

or, maybe it is just the opposite -- the path is so hard because it is impermeable and we just don't really care about what God says...

there is almost no traffic in the realm of the spirit...

we have so little hunger for the voice of Jesus...

and, the evil one is so committed to stealing the word away...

plus, the seed is vulnerable as it lays undetected, unwanted and unprotected on the hardened ground -- so many things can come along and squash it...

how welcoming is the soil of our heart???

how much do we treasure the voice of Jesus???

how receptive is the soil of our spirit???

final thought...

what can "fix" hard soil...the hard heart???

would love to hear your thoughts...

i will share mine tomorrow on day 5...



we have a fire tonight -- what a blessing!!!