Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent day 2 -- Monday, 11.30.09


What did you think of day 1?

I actually spent some time today trying to get outside myself -- to live beyond ME --to make sure I was NOT the focus of attention -- I intentionally sat through one meeting telling myself to minimize [keeping quiet and listening more to others] rather than maximize my presence...

I find it way too easy to make life all about me...

How about you?

I imagined my over-reaching EGO on a leash today -- and my TRUE SELF released to engage others -- seeking to serve the six hospice patients I interacted with today in a way that shifted the spotlight to them...

And, I will try it again tomorrow...

Three thoughts for tonight...

From Henri Nouwen: "God choose powerlessness. God chose to enter into human history in complete weakness. That divine choice forms the center of the Christian faith. In Jesus of Nazareth, the powerless God appeared among us to UNMASK the illusion of power, to disarm the prince of darkness who rules the world, and to bring the divided human race to a new unity..."

Ministry is INCARNATIONAL for me -- seeking in very broken ways to "be Jesus" in the human encounters of life. I do my best when I remember the mystery of powerlessness! When I am weak, THEN I am strong...

Away with the illusion of power through my own might...

My first patient today was Muslim -- not what I ordered at 9 a.m. I felt weak -- I experienced the blessing of turning to Jesus in trust rather than "just doing my thing" -- in my humility, I was surprised by a deep stirring of love and really enjoyed the visit...

From Richard Rohr: "The beggar who continues to pester the Lord is more pleasing than the dutiful and self-sufficient servant. Jesus has reversed our human scale of values...Risk all for love, Jesus tells us, even your own life. Give that to me and let me save it. People who seek to save their own lives, doing a good job of saving themselves, are saying that God's salvation is not needed. People who lose their lives for the sake of the Good News will find their lives. The healthy religious person is the one who ALLOWS GOD TO SAVE!"

I feel better about my weakness now than ever -- maybe it is the wisdom of age -- when I was younger I ignored weakness because of my illusion of infinitude...

Are you laughing at me???

Some of you are because you watched me acting as if I COULD MAKE ANYTHING HAPPEN -- at least it is funny to me now...

I still do NOT like my weakness, but I TREASURE my weakness...

I embrace it now as a friend for several reasons...

My weakness gives birth to peace because life and ministry is NOW about God and not me! My blood pressure goes down everytime I remember that I do not have to be ruled by my EXPECTATIONS -- I can ACCEPT whatever comes my way in simple trust of my Lord... He is in charge so all is well...

My weakness gives birth to power because my trust is now much greater in God...

My weakness gives birth to hope because the finitude of a 50 year old body allows me to give thanks for this flesh while eagerly looking forward to my spiritual body of the parousia which will never decay, decline or die...

I can really live in the already, but not yet of history...

When you hit 50 -- the physical limitations, the brutal dose of emotional reality and the sense that way more than half your days are done -- spiritual maturity begins to break through [even and most especially for men in my humble opinion]...

Will you join me in celebrating personal weakness, powerlessness and simple trust in our lives tomorrow???

After all, it is the poor in spirit who inherit the kingdom...

Until tomorrow -- shalom...


I did all this without the help of wine -- but I now hear it calling...

I still want my dog!!!

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