Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Holy Communion…

The Lord’s Supper…

The Eucharist…

Three names for the same sacrament – a means of God’s grace – shared at the table he spreads for our spiritual nourishment. Our enrichment at the deepest level through his loving provision…

Feasting on the body of Christ – his precious body broken for us – you and me – his brokenness for our wholeness.

Drinking deeply of his life – his very blood spilled for us – you and me – offering us the cup of forgiveness through his sacrifice.

Holy Communion speaks of a community meal – a family meal – where all the children of God come and share a common loaf. It reinforces our shared life together – we are ONE in Jesus Christ. “Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf.” [1 Corinthians 10.17]

The Lord’s Supper speaks of the host – it is Jesus himself who invites us to his Father’s table of grace, mercy and acceptance. ALL God’s children are welcomed. By the grace freely given, we can all find our place and slide our legs under the Lord’s Table. Even prodigals can return home and eat their fill of his lavish love…

The Eucharist speaks of thanksgiving – it comes from the Greek word for gratitude. Nothing we have done merits our open invitation to the table of grace – the Trinity always takes the initiative – it is a priceless gift. We cannot afford this sumptuous meal – way beyond our meager means – and yet there is always a place set for you and me. Our response? Gratitude, of course…

I love to serve the meal to the people of God. I especially love the BIG round loaves of Hawaiian bread – I love to hold them up and tear them apart – reminding the faithful of how Jesus’ physical body was mangled during his passion. [And I love to eat this bread – it tastes SO GOOD with the grape juice (especially when we are fasting). I hate those mystery wafers that we used to give out when we passed the trays around the church.]

I love to pour the fruit of the vine from the pitcher to the cup – in dramatic fashion – always splattering some of the juice on the table. Why? It reminds me that Jesus’ murder was not neat, clean and sanitary, but brutal – his blood was spilled for you and me. I also love to invite people to the table – it is actually Jesus’ call for us to come…

I also love to serve this meal to my patients and even myself – especially Jewish style. Rabbi Marty, a friend of mine, reminds me that Jesus did not use Hawaiian bread [although it does taste better and he will admit that if you push him] – he used unleavened bread. Marty sent me to the store to buy some matzos bread. This Messianic Rabbi told me that this unleavened bread points clearly to Isaiah 53…

Look at the matzos.

It is burnt at places appearing bruised – just as the Suffering Servant was bruised for our iniquities. It has holes running all through it – just as the Suffering Servant was pierced for our transgressions. The holes form straight lines – just as the Suffering Servant bore many stripes for our healing. What a powerful reminder of the irrational love of God for you and me!

Once a month is NOT enough for this family meal.

I am so glad the underground celebrates it every week – but I am still not sure if that is enough.

I need more NOURISHMENT for my spirit – how about you?

I will make this meal a more prominent part of the rhythm of my spiritual journey…

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